Thursday, February 22, 2007

Direction for weekly prayer

Your feasting time every week may include a renewed commitment to prayer. Here are some ways you can focus your prayer time in different ways throughout the week. Journaling your experience can be an important way of hearing with your heart the work God is refining in you. Get those pens out as you pray.

  • Monday let's focus on surrendering all we are and do to God. What better way for you to start the school/work week than letting go of "the steering wheel" of your life.

  • Tuesday try concentrating on God's presence. This might include extended silence, Lectio Divina, or just meditating on the "bigness" and "closeness" of God.

  • Wednesday is a good day to say thank you. Thank God for all he has done in and around you. Thank God for who he is.

  • Thursday think about what God is doing in the world around you and the part he is calling you to play. Traditionally, the fasting of Lent includes acts of service. How are you joining the work of God in the world. This is a "do" day as much as a "consider" day.

  • Friday take some time to confess. We all fall short of the life God's wants for us, and the world he wants to repair through us. Take some time to admit this and depend anew on his forgiveness as you turn in the other direction.

  • Saturday consider your need for your heavenly Father. Consider how you can depend on Him more and more.

  • Sunday is the day to receive from God the rest of Sabbath. As you join your church in worship you may rest in God as you prepare to surrender again and begin another week.
(Based on /Daily Prayer, A prayer journal produced by Mars Hill Church; Grand Rapids, MI. 2006)

"May you know God's love as you enter the refiner's fire."


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